Blacktop Sealing / Coating with PermaSeal PM
– Polymer-Modified Asphalt Based Pavement Sealer
Product Description: Permaseal PM is a mineral filled cationic asphalt emulsion blacktop sealing blended with 2% polymers and special surfactants for superior adhesion, flexibility and durability. Permaseal PM is ideal as seal coat for bituminous pavements at parking lots, schoolyards, driveways, roadways, walkways, airports and more. Permaseal PM provides excellent resistance to abrasion and prevents damage to asphalt from the harmful effects of sunlight and oxidation. Permaseal PM prevents damage to asphalt pavement due to adverse weather conditions, prolongs asphalt pavement life, reduces maintenance costs, and beautifies the pavement by drying to a black and even textured surface coat. THERE ARE NO TOXIC CARCINOGENIC AGENTS OR ORGANIC SOLVENTS IN PERMASEAL PM.

Permaseal PM is supplied in concentrate form. Water should be added to Permaseal PM prior to application. Specifications for Permaseal PM are as follows:
- Uniformity: Homogeneous with no separation or coagulation that cannot be overcome by moderate agitation.
- Weight per Gallon: Q 77° F (25° C) 10-12 lbs. /gal. ASTM D-244
- Residue by Evaporation: 58% – 62% ASTM D-2939
- Wet Flow: No sagging or flow of undiluted emulsion. ASTM D-2939
- Firm Set: 24 Hours. No tendency of film to break, roll or peel. ASTM D-2939
- Resistance to water: No blistering or tendency to re-emulsify. ASTM D-2939
- Aggregate Passing: #16 Sieve 100%. ASTM C-136
- Wet Track Abrasion Test: 25g/ft2 avg. ASTM D-3910
Rate of Application
Rate of application for Permaseal PM may vary with the texture, porosity and age of the asphalt pavement to be sealed. The following application rates are general recommendations: (Manufacturer recommends two coats of Permaseal PM)
- One Coat Permaseal PM, Smooth Pavement .015 to 0.2 Gallons per Square Yard
- Two Coat Permaseal PM, Rough Pavement
- First Coat.……………………0.2 gallons / sq.yd.
- Second Coat………………0.15 gallons / sq.yd.
Sealcoats are affected greatly by weather conditions, especially during construction. The ideal conditions are a warm, sunny day with low humidity. Humidity and cool weather will delay the curing time and cause the seal coat to be tender for a longer period making it more susceptible to damage by traffic. Rain can cause major problems when seal coating. If the asphalt binder has not cured, it can become diluted and rise above the top of the cover aggregate. After the water evaporates, asphalt may cover the entire surface causing tires to pick up aggregate or track the binder across the surface. Never seal coat when showers are threatening. Ideal temperature for seal coating is 60 degrees and rising. See more.